E-portfolios as an assessment tool in EsP online learning


  • Lilyana Todorova-Ruskova




portfolio, electronic portfolio, formative assessment, ESP, online classes


The use of electronic portfolios as an effective tool for formative assessment enables students to track their own learning experiences, thus enhancing their engagement, motivation and autonomy. The present data-driven research is based on quantitative and qualitative data on the implementation of e-portfolios in the English for Specific Purposes classes at the University of National and World Economy in the online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. An overview of the recent literature related to the use of e-portfolios is provided and the benefits and challenges of implementing an e-portfolio assessment tool using the application Microsoft Class Notebook for the purposes of assessment for learning are presented. Student participants in the study developed e-portfolios, providing reflection on their learning, supported with artefacts, collected in the process of acquiring skills and competences. A survey and interviews among students of economics in the experimental group were carried out at the end of the academic year in order to evaluate the efficacy of the e-portfolio assessment tool.


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How to Cite

Todorova-Ruskova, L. (2021). E-portfolios as an assessment tool in EsP online learning. Yearbook of the Department of Foreign Languages and Cultures, 3, 111–128. https://doi.org/10.33919/flcy.20-21.3.7