When food mobilizes emotions: Reaching foreign and domestic audiences


  • Loukia Kostopoulou Aristotle University of Thessaloniki




food films, isotopies, semiosphere, symbolism, film trailers


This paper aims to explore food films and their symbolism. Food is a way of creating national identities, and enhancing the sense of belonging. It also evokes the concept of ‘nostalgia’ and has the capacity to mobilize strong emotions (Mintz 1996). The semiotic analysis of food underlines how the biosphere and the semiosphere intersect in various instances of human life (Danesi 2004). In cultural settings, food symbolizes substance and conveys different meanings. This research material will focus on the analysis of images (food, culinary preparations and different eating events) as portrayed in Tassos Boulmetis’s 2003 film Πολίτικη Κουζίνα/ A Touch of Spice, and the domestic and international trailers of the film. The analysis will be based on Lotman’s notion of the semiosphere.

Author Biography

Loukia Kostopoulou, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki





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Πολίτικη Κουζίνα/ A Touch of Spice. 2003. Tassos Boulmetis, Greece

A Touch of Spice. 2003. International trailer. Available on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7_x7vtw9KUI

Πολίτικη Κουζίνα. 2003. Trailer intended for the domestic audience. Available on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DioZyZQUDTY




How to Cite

Kostopoulou, L. (2021). When food mobilizes emotions: Reaching foreign and domestic audiences. Digital Age in Semiotics & Communication, 4, 146–160. https://doi.org/10.33919/dasc.20-21.3-4.9