Digital realities and metaphorical constructs: A multimodal semiotic and intermedial analysis of Blade Runner 2049


  • Maria Katsaridou Ionian University
  • Loukia Kostopoulou Aristotle University of Thessaloniki



multimodal metaphors, Forceville, film, intermediality, Blade Runner 2049


The concept of metaphor has long been explored in film in a variety of ways, from Eisenstein’s experimentations to more contemporary examples. Contemporary theoreticians such as Forceville (2016) have enhanced the concept of metaphor, moving away from its purely linguistic quality and underlying its multimodal aspect. In this article, we will use Force-ville’s paradigm of multimodal metaphors as implemented in films. We will analyse Blade Runner 2049 (Villeneuve 2017), focusing on its representation of digital reality through multimodal metaphors. The film, widely acclaimed for its philosophical depth (Shanahan et al. eds. 2020) and visual storytelling, is set in a dystopian future where human-like androids coexist with humans and serve as a means for exploring digital metaphors in a society dominated by artificial intelligence and augmented reality. We examine the film’s use of visual, auditory, and narrative elements, in order to construct a metaphorical framework that reflects contemporary digital concerns. Through an in-depth exploration of its visual, auditory, and narrative dimensions, this analysis uncovers a dense metaphorical structure within the film. This structure mirrors pressing societal concerns regarding the evolution and impact of digitalisation, augmented reality, and artificial intelligence, providing a critical lens on contemporary technological advancements. The study aims to enrich the discourse on digital metaphors in media, highlighting the evolving interplay between human experiences and technological advancements.


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How to Cite

Katsaridou, M., & Kostopoulou, L. (2024). Digital realities and metaphorical constructs: A multimodal semiotic and intermedial analysis of Blade Runner 2049. Digital Age in Semiotics & Communication, 7, 164–182.