New Bulgarian University Academic Journals Portal has been realized under the project "Expanding the Impact of Research Journals Published by NBU" funded by the Central Strategic Development Fund of the NBU Board of Trustees.


  • Acta Nova Humanistica: A Journal of Humanities Published by New Bulgarian University

    Acta Nova Humanistica (ANH) is an open-access academic journal published twice a year by New Bulgarian University (Sofia, Bulgaria). The journal’s working language is English. Аrticles for publication are accepted also in Bulgarian, French and German following a standard double-blind peer-review procedure. Each issue of ANH has a specific thematic focus chosen by the Editorial Board and announced in advance with a call for papers published on our website.

  • Journal of Computational and Applied Linguistics

    The Journal of Computational and Applied Linguistics (JCAL) is a yearly open access peer-reviewed journal publishing articles which contribute new results in computational linguistics, applied linguistics and related areas. The goal of the journal is to bring together researchers and practitioners from academia and industry, to establish collaborations and to focus on advanced concepts in these fast-developing fields.

  • Digital Age in Semiotics & Communication

    Digital Age in Semiotics & Communication, a journal from the Southeast European Center for Semiotic Studies at the New Bulgarian University and founded by Prof. Kristian Bankov, explores the new forms of knowledge, social and linguistic interaction, and cultural phenomena generated by the advent of the Internet.
    A topic is chosen for each issue by the editors’ board, but the topics will be always related to the issues of the digital environment. The topic is announced with a call for papers and will also be available on our Facebook page (
    The working language of the journal is English. It uses double-blind review, meaning that both the reviewer’s and the author’s identities are concealed from each other throughout the review process.

  • Sledva : NBU Journal of Humanities and Arts

    SLEDVA is a journal for university culture published twice a year by the New Bulgarian University in Sofia, Bulgaria. The journal started in 2000 and has had over 40 issues so far. Its title is a play on words, meaning both “to study at the university” and “to be continued”. The materials range from specialized academic essays and parts of larger research to reviews and texts written by students. The journal has sections on literary studies, philosophy, art history, theater, cinema, visual arts, memory of the recent past, academic travels, and creative writing. The editor-in-chief is Bilyana Kourtasheva, Ph.D. The graphic design is made by the contemporary artist Nadezhda Oleg Lyahova.

  • Law Journal of New Bulgarian University

    Law Journal of New Bulgarian University (Law Journal) was established in 2005 as the first online legal periodical in Bulgaria. It is issued by the Law Department of New Bulgarian University and has three volumes per year.

    The aim of the Law Journal is to make popular the research work of the lecturers, the PhD students and the students in the Law Master's program of New Bulgarian University. It is open to publications provided by outside authors, dedicated to topical legal issues. Another aim of the Law Journal is to serve as a platform presenting current significant events such as conferences, public discussions, seminars and newly published books with the participation of the academic staff and the students in the Law Master's program of New Bulgarian University.

    Law Journal is open access and articles are subject to prior revision. The Law Journal is indexed and referenced in CEEOL (Central and Eastern European Online Library GmbH).

  • Yearbook Telecommunications

    Yearbook Telecommunications is an open access, double-blind electronic scientific publication, one booklet per year within the volume, published by the Department of Telecommunications at New Bulgarian University. (Manuscript Review Form). The thematic sphere of the Yearbook Telecommunications focuses on the different areas of information and communication technologies.

    Manuscripts included in Yearbook Telecommunications are received from 1 September of the previous calendar year to 31 July of the current calendar year. Yearbook Telecommunications is published annually between 01.09 and 30.09 of the current calendar year (Presubmission Checklist for Manuscripts).

    Yearbook Telecommunications is indexed and referenced by CEEOL (Central and Eastern European Online Library GmbH).

  • Yearbook of the Department of Foreign Languages and Cultures

    The Yearbook of the Department of Foreign Languages and Cultures at NBU is an international, peer-reviewed, open access, indexed, yearly e-Journal. Typically, it publishes research by members of the department and doctoral students therein, but also articles by invited guests on topics of special interest for the Department. The research field covers the whole gamut of philology: linguistics, literature, and cultural studies, as well as the professional domains of foreign language teaching and translation. Languages taught at the department are English, German, Spanish, French, Greek, Italian, Russian, and Bulgarian as a foreign language, so articles about these are welcome as well.

    Submissions are invited from September each year and accepted until June of the following year. A style sheet and recommended features are available.

    The Yearbook of the Department of Foreign languages and cultures is indexed and referenced by CEEOL (Central and Eastern European Online Library GmbH).

  • Leadership, Society, Strategic Visions

    The Leadership, Society, Strategic Visions series is an open access, peer reviewed academic journal published by the Department of Administration and Management, New Bulgarian University in one issue per year.  The Journal provides a forum for scholarly research in administration and management, different aspects of business, public sphere and their impact on society. Each number in the LSSV Series has its own sub-title, which covers a specific area. The main thematic directions are: Leadership and strategic visions, Effective management models and approaches (theoretical, practical or both), Economic, cultural, political and organizational parameters of the studied phenomena, Competitiveness, tourism, ecology - criteria for successful practices; Master and Doctoral Forum. The journal accepts manuscripts in Bulgarian, Russian and English language.

  • Annual of Natural Sciences Department

    Annual of Natural Sciences Department is a journal of the Department of Natural Sciences, New Bulgarian University (NBU) and is published once a year. The Annual of Natural Sciences Department has been published since 2015 and is included in the National Reference List of Contemporary Bulgarian Scientific Publications with Scientific Review ( The jourmnal is Open Access, and all articles are freely available to users and institutions to which they are associated under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0). Annual of Natural Sciences Department includes manuscripts in Bulgarian with a summary in English. In order to more widely promote and take into account the interests of a wide range of researchers, teachers, students, PhD students, etc., manuscripts in English and Russian are also accepted. The Editorial Board and the Board of Reviewers are composed of recognized scientists in various fields of science, materials science and business from leading national and foreign universities.

  • English Studies at NBU

    English Studies at NBU (ESNBU) is a Diamond Open Access, double-blind peer reviewed academic journal published by the Department of Foreign Languages and Cultures, New Bulgarian University in two issues per year, June and December, in print and online.
    ESNBU welcomes original research articles, book reviews, discussion contributions and other forms of analysis and comment encompassing all aspects of English Studies and English for professional communication and the creative professions. Manuscripts are accepted in English. Translations of published articles are generally not accepted.

    ESNBU is indexed in Web of Science, CEEOL, MLA, DOAJERIH PLUS, Crossref, RSCI (РИНЦ), EBSCO CEEAS - Central & Eastern European Academic Source (EBSCOhost), ROADZDBEZBBASEOpenAIREiDiscover, Brill Linguistic Bibliography, and evaluated by MIAR...more

    English Studies at NBU is archived in the Bulgarian National Library "St. St. Cyril and Methodius" (both print and digital full text formats), Central and Eastern European Online Library (CEEOL) (digital, full text), The Library of Congress (both print and digital), The British Library (both print and digital)

  • Yearbook of Department Mass Communications

    Since 1996 the Department has regularly issued a Year book of Mass Communications Department in which scientific and research studies of the lecturers and PhD students are published, projects and exchange rate developments of students, specialized translations and the bachelors, masters and doctors who have graduated the current year, are presented.

    In 2006 Mass Communications Department was the first at New Bulgarian University which published an electronic year book.

  • Young Scientific Music and Dance Forum : Conference with international participation

    YOUNG SCIENTIFIC MUSIC AND DANCE FORUM: CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION is an annual Edition in which conference articles are being published. The publisher is the department of Music at New Bulgarian University; the articles are reviewed by two independent anonymous reviewers and they are available to all readers. The topics of the Edition discuss various issues and matters of the fields of music, dance, drama, visual arts and literature.