Cover – from See how it’s done to You get a pat on the shoulder (titles of popular Bulgarian songs)


  • Iliyan Paraskov New Bulgarian University


chanson, rock‘n‘roll, miscegination, musical processes, interpretation, cover


Cover is a common and valuable musical phenomenon that needs to be studied, well-defined, and classified. This report is an initial attempt of the author in this direction. Certain songs and artists provide arguments for cover’s significance at a micro and macro-structural level. Cover is the main carrier of models and stylistic features that are modified and presented in different musical environments. The interpreted works influence the processes of development and evolution in popular music, unite them and promote the creation of new styles such as rock‘n‘roll. Covers of some types of music can be perceived more easily by a wider range of listeners. This is essential for the upgrading and cultivation of musical taste.


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How to Cite

Paraskov, I. (2022). Cover – from See how it’s done to You get a pat on the shoulder (titles of popular Bulgarian songs). Young Scientific Music and Dance Forum : Conference With International Participation, (15), 56–69. Retrieved from