Vocal-pedagogical guidelines assisting the methods of working with mutating voices


  • Doroteya Lyutskanova New Bulgarian University


vocal training, mutation, scientific discoveries, sound formation, larynx


The report examines the complex relationship between vocal science and singing, the application of scientific  researches and discoveries about the physiology of sound formation as a necessary part of the methodical work of the vocal pedagogue. In recent years, the demands to build a healthy voice, especially when a mutation occurs, pose a number of questions to the singing teacher. How should scientific knowledge be interpreted and practiced? How should effective learning outcomes be achieved among adolescents? How will scientific advancements in the science of voice enrich methodological tools to build and preserve the voice of adolescents? Is science needed to interfere so deeply in the art of singing and whether the students will sing better if they are aware of the physiology and anatomy of the larynx? The answer to these questions can be found in the shared experience of a number of emblematic names in vocal pedagogy, which have left many vocal books, articles and teaching aids inherited.


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ЕМЕЛЯÐОВ, Владимир, 2015. Развитие голоÑа: ÐšÐ¾Ð¾Ñ€Ð´Ð¸Ð½Ñ†Ð¸Ñ Ð¸ тренинг. МоÑква: Лань. ISBN 978-581-140-207-6. [EMELYANOV, Vladimir, 2015. Razvitie golosa. Koordinatsia i trening. Moskva: Lan. ISBN 978- 581-140-207-6. ]

КÐÐ ÐПЕТРОВ, КонÑтантин, 1990. Вокална методика. СофиÑ: Музика. [KARAPETROV, Konstantin, 1990. Vokalna metodika. Sofia: Muzika.]

ÐœÐКСИМОВ, Иван, 1983. ОÑнови на фониатриÑта. СофиÑ: Медицина и физкултура. [MAKSIMOV, Ivan, 1983. Osnovi na foniatriyata. Sofia: Meditsina i fiskultura.

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APPELMAN, Ralph, 1967. The Science of Vocal Pedagogy. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.

CLIFTON, Ware, 1997. Basic of Vocal Pedagogy: The Foundations and Process of Singing. Boston: McGraw Hill. ISBN 0-070-682-895.

COOKSEY, John, 1999. Working with Adolescent Voices. Saint Louis: Concordia Publishing House. ISBN 0-570-013-569.

GEBHARDT, Rianne, 2016. The Adolescent Voice in the 21st Century: Vocal Health and Pedagogy Promoting Vocal Health. The Ohio State University.

HERBERT-CAESARI, E., 1951. The Voice of the Mind. Alma CaesariGramatke. ISBN 978-095-455-880-2.

INGO, Titze, 2000. Principles of Voice Production. National Center for Voice and Speech.

LEHMANN, Lilli, 1902. How to sing. New York: Macmillan.

MILLER, Richard, 1986. The Structure of Singing. New York: Macmillan.

PHILLIPS, Kenneth, 2014. Teaching Kids to Sing. Schirmer: Cengage Learning. ISBN 978-113-395-850-5.

VENNARD, William, 1967. Singing: the Mechanism and the Technic. New York: Carl Fischer.

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How to Cite

Lyutskanova, D. (2021). Vocal-pedagogical guidelines assisting the methods of working with mutating voices. Young Scientific Music and Dance Forum : Conference With International Participation, (14), 90–100. Retrieved from https://ojs.nbu.bg/index.php/YSMDF/article/view/583