Making Room for Social Responsibility in Translator Training


  • Seda Taş İlmek Trakya University, Edirne



social responsibility, situated learning project, translator training, translation students


This study examines how the integration of social responsibility into translator training contributes to the learning and development of translation students. To this end, an action research design and an innovative situated learning project were implemented in an existing Bachelor's course in Translation and Interpreting. Students voluntarily performed two types of authentic translation tasks for a non-profit foundation and wrote project reports. The reports suggest that the integration of social responsibility into translator training raises the awareness of social responsibility among translation students and thus contributes to the improvement of their knowledge. It also has the potential to offer translation students a real experience and develop their translator competences. Therefore, this study proposes linking social responsibility with different learning environments in translator training because making room for social responsibility allows students to develop as socially responsible translators.

Author Biography

Seda Taş İlmek, Trakya University, Edirne

Seda Taş İlmek is an Associate Professor at the Department of Translation and Interpreting in Trakya University, Edirne, Turkey. She obtained her MA in teaching English at Trakya University and completed a PhD in Interlingual and Intercultural Translation Studies at Yıldız Technical University, İstanbul, Turkey. Her research interests include translation theories, literary translation, translation criticism and intercultural communication.


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How to Cite

İlmek, S. T. (2022). Making Room for Social Responsibility in Translator Training. English Studies at NBU, 8(1), 53–72.


