How Talented Second-language Learners Regulate their Emotions and Cope with Stress


  • Christina A. DeCoursey Nazarbayev University, Nur-Sultan



talented learners, second-language learners, self-efficacy, emotional regulatory strategies, coping strategies, content analysis, Appraisal analysis


Most studies of talented learners focus on the nature of their accelerated cognitive abilities, and on structuring curricula to support them in achieving academically. Few studies of talented learners explore their emotional regulatory and coping strategies, as part of how they learn. Yet emotional regulation and coping strategies are an essential component of self-efficacy and self-regulation. Many talented learners are now also second-language learners. Programmers are among the most talented of 21st century learners. Programming requires linguistic proficiency, advanced quantitative reasoning, and multiple, complex forms of procedural reasoning. Mixed methods were used to explore how 34 talented programmers responded to a stressful second-language task. Data was analysed using one deductive and one emergent content coding frame, Appraisal analysis, and transitivity analysis. Results show that talented programmers handle stress by identifying and solving contextual problems. They realise positive subjective attitudes as evaluations of context, but frame negative emotions as interior experiences. As actors, they represent themselves as closely aligned with their team.

Author Biography

Christina A. DeCoursey, Nazarbayev University, Nur-Sultan

Associate Professor DeCoursey did her PhD at the University of Toronto, and her post-doctoral fellowship at the Folger Shakespeare Library in Washington, D.C. She was Director of Writing Programs at the American University in Bulgaria, founded and ran the Hong Kong Polytechnic University’s MA in English Language Arts, sat on the International Steering Committee for’s annual Experiential Learning in Virtual Worlds conference, was chair of the Department of English Linguistics and Translation at the American University of Science and Technology in Beirut, Lebanon, and served as TESOL ESP rep (Middle East). Her research interests include technology in language learning, healthcare communication, and forensic linguistics.


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How to Cite

A. DeCoursey, C. (2022). How Talented Second-language Learners Regulate their Emotions and Cope with Stress. English Studies at NBU, 8(1), 5–28.


