Puritan Projections In Nathaniel Hawthorn's "The Scarlet Letter" And Stephen King's "Carrie"


  • Maria Anastasova Department of Germanic and Romance Languages, South-West University Neofit Rilski, Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2240-2188




Puritans, guilt, witch, Nathaniel Hawthorne, The Scarlet Letter, Stephen King, Carrie


It is considered that the Puritans that populated New England in the 17th century left a distinctive mark on the American culture. The article explores some projections of Puritan legacy in two American novels of different periods – Nathaniel Hawthorn's The Scarlet Letter (1850) and Stephen King's Carrie (1974). After establishing a connection between the Puritan writings and gothic literature, the two novels are analyzed in terms of some Puritan projections, among which are the problem of guilt and the acceptance of an individual in the society. Some references regarding the idea of the witch and the interpretations it bears, especially in terms of the female identity, are also identified. Despite the different approach of the authors in terms of building their characters, those references are mostly used in a negative way, as an instrument of criticism and exposing inconvenient truths.

Author Biography

Maria Anastasova, Department of Germanic and Romance Languages, South-West University Neofit Rilski, Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria

Maria Anastasova holds a PhD in American Literature. She is currently a Chief Assistant Professor at the Department of Germanic and Romance Languages, South-West University Neofit Rilski, Blagoevgrad. Her main research interests are in the sphere of American gothic fiction, horror films, and literary translation.


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How to Cite

Anastasova, M. (2021). Puritan Projections In Nathaniel Hawthorn’s "The Scarlet Letter" And Stephen King’s "Carrie". English Studies at NBU, 7(1), 69–86. https://doi.org/10.33919/esnbu.21.1.5


