About the Journal

The Yearbook Telecommunications of the Department of Telecommunications at the New Bulgarian University is an electronic scientific edition in the various fields of the Information and Communication Technologies field in order to provide scientific output and citation of their authors in a reviewed and referenced edition.

Yearbook Telecommunications has been published since 2014.

In Bulgaria, there are various university editions in this field as well as publications of various specialized professional organizations.

The present edition includes manuscripts mainly in Bulgarian, but in order to increase the popularity and reporting of the interests of a wider range of scholars and researchers, manuscripts will be accepted also in both English and Russian.

The Editorial Board and the Board of Reviewers are made up of recognized scientists in various areas of information and communication technologies.

The Editorial Policy and Authors Guidelines sections describe the goals and tasks of the edition, the policies applied to the free handover of manuscripts, and the peculiarities of the review process.

Blind Peer Review is provided for the manuscripts received, and their scientific and engineering-technical value is determined by two senior academic ranked reviewers (defined by the editorial board), members of the reviewers board's, for the purpose of publishing valuable publications.

The subject area is targeted at the different areas of information and communication technologies (including also related areas), such as:

  • computer and communication networks,
  • mobile communications,
  • optical, radio and satellite communications,
  • electronics, electrical engineering and automation,
  • process and system modeling and computer simulations,
  • programmable logic circuits and controllers,
  • electronic circuits and microprocessor equipment,
  • training,
  • element design, products and systems,
  • security and reliability in computer equipment and communications.