Alternative segmentation approaches for user typology profiling in gamified system, designed for company employee usage


  • Apostol Mushmov
  • Ivan Boevsky
  • Victor Avramov


Gamifi cation; user types; employee segmentation; employee engagement


We could profi le the employee of a company in many different ways. Nevertheless, when talking about gamifi ed system for employee motivation, there is a specifi c profi ling that could be done in terms of people being in a game like circumstances. In this research we propose some alternative approaches for such system, user’s profi ling and the results are interpreted as well as the advantages and disadvantages are discussed in relation to future system improvement.



How to Cite

Mushmov, A., Boevsky, I., & Avramov, V. (2021). Alternative segmentation approaches for user typology profiling in gamified system, designed for company employee usage. Leadership, Society, Strategic Visions, 317–326. Retrieved from