Translator's Voice in Harmony with the Poet's Voice Traced via Paratexts
poetry translation, paratext, preface, translator’s voice, sociological eye, collaborationAbstract
In this study, the English translation of Kıyı Kitabı (Book of the Edge), a poetry book by Ece Temelkuran is analysed through paratexts, where the translator's and the poet's voices become obvious and a great deal about the translation in terms of both process and a product is revealed. The translator, Deniz Perin, has written a preface, which includes information about the poet, the socio-political context, and translation strategies she used including the close cooperation with the author. It is followed by an interpretation of the poems based on political and spiritual themes. Socio-political focus and gender sensitive translation decisions draw attention, which are in line with Temelkuran's articles and books. In the translation, in addition to the translator's preface, there is also a foreword formed of a poem from the poet in her native language, where the voice of the source text writer is heard apart from the translated text. This can be assumed as a cooperation, contribution and support. In the study, these issues are discussed with a sociological perspective and by tracing the voices in the paratexts the journey of two different texts, two different languages and two different authors to become "one" through translation is examined.
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