Особенности типов субъектов в переводческой перспективе (Subject types and their characteristics in translation)
the concept of subject, an agent, a patient, a causeeAbstract
The paper focuses on the category of semantic subject and its syntactical representation. The concept of subject is shaped by extra-linguistic knowledge and personal experiences as well as by people's linguistic knowledge. The concept of subject, among other components, includes accumulated knowledge of the semantic roles which the grammatical subject may have in a sentence. The variety of roles accounts for the radially structured category of subject, with some members more central than others. The prototypical grammatical subject - an agent subject - is expressed by the nominative case of a noun which precedes the verb and is typically represented by an animate initiator or do-er of an action. Other types of subject are scattered within the syntactical category of subject being more central or peripheral. Translation-wise, the most "treacherous" types are the peripheral ones.
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