Evaluating the Performance of a New Text Rhythm Analysis Tool





text rhythm analysis, diacope, epanalepsis, anaphora, epiphora, symploce, epizeuxis, anadiplosis


The paper assesses and evaluates the performance of the ProseRhythmDetector (PRD) Text Rhythm Analysis Tool. The research is a case study of 50 English and 50 Russian fictional texts (approximately 88,000 words each) from the 19th to the 21st century. The paper assesses the PRD tool accuracy in detecting stylistic devices containing repetition in their structure such as diacope, epanalepsis, anaphora, epiphora, symploce, epizeuxis, anadiplosis, and polysyndeton. The article ends by discussing common errors, analysing disputable cases and highlighting the use of the tool for author and idiolect identification.

Author Biographies

Ksenia Lagutina, P. G. Demidov Yaroslavl State University, Russia

Ksenia Lagutina, MSc in Computer Science, is a Postgraduate Student and Assistant Professor with the Department of Theoretical Informatics, P.G. Demidov Yaroslavl State University, Russia.

Inna Vorontsova, K. D. Ushinsky Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University, Yaroslavl, Russia

Inna Vorontsova, PhD, is an Associate Professor with the Department of Translation and Interpretation, K.D. Ushinsky Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University, Russia. She teaches courses in lexicography, legal translation, and English as a foreign language. Her research interests lie in the field of lexicology and lexicography, discourse analysis and theory of translation.

Elena Mishenkina, K. D. Ushinsky Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University, Yaroslavl, Russia

Elena Mishenkina, PhD, is an Associate Professor with the Department of Translation and Interpretation, K.D. Ushinsky Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University, Russia. She teaches courses in translation, intercultural communication, and English as a foreign language. Her research interests include linguistics, psycholinguistics, ethnosociolinguistics, communication theory and theory of translation.

Olga Belyayeva, K. D. Ushinsky Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University, Yaroslavl, Russia

Olga Belyayeva is an Assistant Professor with the Department of Translation and Interpretation, K.D. Ushinsky Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University, Russia. She teaches courses in translation and English as a foreign language. Her research interests are related to applied linguistics, corpus linguistics and English literature.




How to Cite

Boychuk, E., Lagutina, K., Vorontsova, I., Mishenkina, E., & Belyayeva, O. (2020). Evaluating the Performance of a New Text Rhythm Analysis Tool. English Studies at NBU, 6(2), 217–232. https://doi.org/10.33919/esnbu.20.2.3


