Byron's and Shelley's Revolutionary Ideas in Literature


  • Elma Dedovic-Atilla International Burch University, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina



Romanticist era, poetry, insurgent, Byron, Shelley


The paper explores the revolutionary spirit of literary works of two Romantic poets: George Gordon Byron and Percy Bysshe Shelley. In the period of conservative early 19th century English society that held high regard for propriety, tradition, decorum, conventions and institutionalized religion, the two poets' multi-layered rebellious and subversive writing and thinking instigated public uproar and elitist outrage, threatening to undermine traditional concepts and practices. Acting as precursors to new era notions and liberties, their opuses present literary voices of protest against 19th century social, religious, moral and literary conventions. Their revolutionary and non-conformist methods and ideas are discussed and analyzed in this paper through three works of theirs: Byron's The Vision of Judgement and Childe Harold's Pilgrimage and Shelley's Prometheus Unbound.

Author Biography

Elma Dedovic-Atilla, International Burch University, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Elma Dedovic-Atilla is a PhD student at the Department of English Language and Literature at International Burch University in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. She is also a lecturer at the same institution teaching undergraduate courses in academic reading and writing. Her research interests include literature, English language teaching and Business English as lingua franca.


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How to Cite

Dedovic-Atilla, E. (2017). Byron’s and Shelley’s Revolutionary Ideas in Literature. English Studies at NBU, 3(1), 27–48.



Doctoral Section