Online Teaching and Learning: New Dimensions


  • Diana Yahnkova New Bulgarian University



online education, motivating factor, demotivating factor, online learning platform


The article focuses on the variables of foreign language teaching and learning online vis-à-vis traditional classroom methods. Aspects to be discussed range from the subjective factors for both students and tutors that can be motivating (mobile access, swift feedback, automated marking, individual tasks, etc.) or demotivating (technical glitches, lack of technical support, extra work for lecturers, etc.), to objective factors that facilitate online learning in general (increase in student attendance, fast internet, the ‘digital natives’ generation, among others). Some synchronous, asynchronous and hybrid language learning online platforms will be highlighted with an emphasis on the different possibilities that they present and the weighing of their advantages and drawbacks. This essay will also touch upon the emergence of online education, examining its key drivers, advantages, challenges, and the implications for the future of learning.

Author Biography

Diana Yahnkova, New Bulgarian University

Prof. Diana Yankova, D. Litt. is currently Chair of the Foreign Languages and Cultures Department, New Bulgarian University. Her research interests are in the field of discourse analysis, applied linguistics, ESP, sociolinguistics, culture studies and cultural awareness. Author of a number of monographs, among which Canadian Kaleidoscope (2006), The Text and Context of European Directives. Translation Issues in Approximating Legislation (2008), Legal Englishes: The Discourse of Statutory Texts (2013), and Bulgarian immigrants to Canada: sociocultural and linguistic identity (2024).


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How to Cite

Yahnkova, D. (2024). Online Teaching and Learning: New Dimensions. English Studies at NBU, 10(2), 326–341.


