The Impact of Authentic Listening-Viewing Materials on ESL University Students’ Listening Comprehension Skills
The study investigates the effects of authentic listening-viewing and textbook listening material on ESL university students' listening comprehension skills. The experimental and control groups, that consist of second-year university students, completed pre- and past-tests. The pre-test showed approximately the same level of listening comprehension skills in the experimental and control groups. The result of the post-test does not show a significant impact of authentic listening-viewing material on listening comprehension of the experimental group. Employing the post-questionnaire, that the experimental group filled out, we determined the challenges, such as speakers’ tempo and accents. However, students have a positive attitude to such authentic aids. These findings confirm the constant difficulties caused by implementing listening-viewing material and indicate students’ positive perception of authentic aids. The study also proves that the regular employment of authentic listening-viewing materials decreases anxiety of the experimental group and improves confidence when working on authentic videos.
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