Innovation Approaches to Inclusive Education in Europe – The Impact of Second Chance Schools


  • Elena Blagoeva New Bulgarian University, Sofia, Bulgaria



education management, inclusive education, Second Chance education, Second Chance Schools


This article presents research and findings related to the Second Chance Schools - an innovative approach which is gaining strength and popularity in recent years but is almost unknown in Bulgaria. The documentary research, the analysis of interviews of the various actors and the online surveys during the project revealed a set of characteristics of Second Chance Schools common to most countries in Europe. The study reveals that in the countries where the SCS approach has been applied, early school leavers’ rates are going down.

Author Biography

Elena Blagoeva, New Bulgarian University, Sofia, Bulgaria

Elena Blagoeva has a PhD in Cultural Studies and a specialization in European Integration (College of Bruge) and International Project Management (Open Society Institute). Her research interests and experience are in the areas of EU education policy, education management and international project management. She has been a national consultant in projects concerning education for the Council of Ministers, Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, Ministry of Regional Development, Bulgaria and is an expert-evaluator in the Erasmus-Mundus program (EACEA, Belgium). She has 20 years of experience as director of the International Department and a lecturer at New Bulgarian Universrity, Sofia, Bulgaria. Prof. Blagoeva is an author of three monographs and many articles devoted to the management of education, internationalization of HE, and intercultural competences.


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How to Cite

Blagoeva, E. (2024). Innovation Approaches to Inclusive Education in Europe – The Impact of Second Chance Schools. English Studies at NBU, 10(1), 21–42.




Funding data

  • Erasmus+
    Grant numbers 621535-EPP-1-2020-1-PT-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN