Metaphor of the database: A taste construction
taste experience, metaphor, database, artificial intelligence, translationAbstract
At the present time, we are metaphorizing in the sense of Lakoff (1998) regarding the creation of a database which can generate new tastes using artificial intelligence. On the one hand, there is a discussion about whether artificial intelligence is capable of creating new tastes, while on the other hand, there is a metaphorization based on the translation of our experiences and sensory perception. These elements are central when analyzing the metaphorization of the database for the construction of new tastes. The discussion is characterized by the problematic translation of perception between humans and its transfer to the machine. In order to analyze this phenomenon, I shall rely on Lotman’s (1999) notion of translation, as well as the notion of Hartley, Ibrus, and Ojamaa (2021) of how the translation from sensory perception to digitization occurs. It is important to note that, according to Hartley, Ibrus, and Ojamaa (2021), this translation to the digital sphere is primarily carried out through linguistic means. It is this element which allows me to connect it to Lakoff ’s (1998) notion of metaphor. The methodology developed in this article is based on the semiotics of Charles Sanders Peirce (1839–1914), since it enables me to comprehend the notion of experience. Additionally, I shall draw on concepts developed by Biggio (2020) as he focuses on the computational phenomenon, combining a linguistic and social perspective. In order to understand these phenomena, I shall present some case studies related to taste and artificial intelligence. In summary, this study aims to shed light on the metaphorical connections between artificial intelligence and the construction of new tastes.
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