Conceptualizing visual metaphors in high tech products advertising: Results and conclusions from an empirical research


  • Sevim Taneva New Bulgarian University



advertising, visual metaphors, abstract metaphors, high tech products, interpretation, understanding, meaning, elicitation, qualitative and quantitative research


The use of visual metaphors is a popular method of advertising nowadays. This paper briefly reviews the theoretical framework of metaphorical expression in advertising, and particularly the use of visual metaphors. It then continues with presenting results and findings from an empirical study on the use of visual metaphors in the ads of high-tech products. Given the nature of metaphors, the analysis is based on both qualitative and quantitative readings of the data, in order to reach more insightful conclusions. Based on the research findings and following the theoretical introduction, the paper concludes with implications and guidelines for the marketing utility of exploring the meaning and other features of visual metaphors.


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How to Cite

Taneva, S. (2024). Conceptualizing visual metaphors in high tech products advertising: Results and conclusions from an empirical research. Digital Age in Semiotics & Communication, 7, 46–61.