25 years of Scientific and Educational Cooperation between the Department of Natural Sciences at New Bulgarian University and the Space Research and Technology Institute at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences


  • Garo Mardirossian Space Research and Technology Institute – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
  • Ralitza Berberova New Bulgarian University




educational, scientific and research activity, earth sciences and ecology, NBU, SRTI-BAS


The paper presents the results of the scientific and educational cooperation in the field of earth sciences and ecology between the Department of Natural Sciences at New Bulgarian University (NBU) and the Space Research and Technology Institute at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (SRTI-BAS) for the period 1996-2021.


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How to Cite

Mardirossian, G., & Berberova, R. (2021). 25 years of Scientific and Educational Cooperation between the Department of Natural Sciences at New Bulgarian University and the Space Research and Technology Institute at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Annual of Natural Sciences Department, 6, 73–81. https://doi.org/10.33919/ansd.20-21.6.7