About the Journal

Acta Nova Humanistica (ANH) is an open-access academic journal published twice a year by New Bulgarian University (Sofia, Bulgaria). The journal’s working language is English. Аrticles for publication are accepted also in Bulgarian, French and German following a standard double-blind peer-review procedure. Each issue of ANH has a specific thematic focus chosen by the Editorial Board and announced in advance with a call for papers published on our website.

Mission & Scope

ANH welcomes original research offering global perspectives on themes related to the past, present, and future of Eastern and South-Eastern Europe (EE/SEE). We seek to collaborate with both experienced and junior scholars across various academic domains, including history, sociology, philosophy, anthropology, cultural studies, psychology, literary theory, linguistics, and more. ANH is particularly interested in:

  • Social and historical phenomena
  • Interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary, and cross-disciplinary EE/SEE
  • studies
  • Comparative social, political, and religious history
  • Religion
  • History of ideas
  • History of concepts, science and epistemology
  • Philosophical and sociological theories of education, civic education
  • Social and cultural anthropology
  • Sociocultural contexts of institutional change, critical political studies
  • Seminal EE/SEE figures in humanities, literature and literary theory