Sex of place: Mediated intimacy and tourism imaginaries


  • Elsa Soro



Online dating, Intimacy, Tourism, Tinder, Spatial self


The capillary diffusion of digital and mobile technologies has deeply changed both the way of travelling and loving. Against this changing context, the aim of this paper is to examine the relationship between tourism discourse and online-dating discourse. Through analysis of a sample of Tinder profiles, the relationship between the self-presentation and the touristic space experience will be scrutinized. The main hypothesis that drives this work is that different ways of being attractive and seductive on dating apps correspond to specific, current narratives and typologies of tourism. The article maintains that discourse of mediated intimacy platforms borrow its themes from tourism imaginaries. Consequently, tourism discourse shapes the different modes of self-presentation in online intimacy.


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How to Cite

Soro, E. (2019). Sex of place: Mediated intimacy and tourism imaginaries. Digital Age in Semiotics & Communication, 2, 92–101.