Opportunities and limitations of digital educational tools in shaping entrepreneurial mindset and competences


  • Kostadin Kolarov University of National and World Economy
  • Juliana Hadjitchoneva New Bulgarian University




entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship education, digital learning environment, digital tools in entrepreneurship education


This paper examines the potential of digital learning environments in preparing future entrepreneurs through higher education. Despite historic doubts regarding the systematic teaching of entrepreneurial skills, in recent decades entrepreneurship education has distinctly evolved. Unlike conventional professions, entrepreneurship encompasses a diverse array of specific challenges in business creation and management. This makes it challenging to adopt a uniform educational approach. Hence, a blend of appropriate educational methods is essential. These range from inspiring learners through entrepreneurial narratives to fostering conceptual and practical skills for recognizing opportunities, validating business ideas, gaining knowledge and skills for managing processes and resources, and cultivating personal attributes crucial for entrepreneurial success. The paper critically evaluates the potential of digital learning environments in nurturing entrepreneurial competencies. This is achieved by juxtaposing the outcomes of existing theoretical and empirical studies on the utilization of digital tools in entrepreneurship education. The research aims to address crucial questions: what, how, and by whom should entrepreneurship be taught; the distinct advantages and limitations of various digital tools in fostering specific entrepreneurial competencies; and to what extent digital learning environments can enhance the overall effectiveness of entrepreneurship education, considering the extent of resources committed. The array of digital tools encompasses virtual learning environments, interactive communication channels, multimedia products, engaging learning content, and specialized software for practical activities. The research adopts an exploratory methodology, applying qualitative methods. An online questionnaire was conducted to explore the perspectives of current entrepreneurship students in two Bulgarian universities. The paper concludes that digital learning environments indeed have the potential to significantly enhance the overall effectiveness of entrepreneurship education. However, a discerning approach is essential when selecting the appropriate digital tools tailored to foster distinct entrepreneurial competencies, considering the specific stage of the entrepreneurial learning process. Different digital facilitators demonstrate varying degrees of efficacy in shaping the mindset and competencies of future entrepreneurs in determining entrepreneurial opportunities, cultivating relationships, conceptualizing, organizing, strategizing, and displaying commitment.


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How to Cite

Kolarov, K., & Hadjitchoneva, J. (2023). Opportunities and limitations of digital educational tools in shaping entrepreneurial mindset and competences. Digital Age in Semiotics & Communication, 6, 32–56. https://doi.org/10.33919/dasc.23.6.3