Gamification in business and entrepreneurship education – theory and applications


  • Eduard Marinov New Bulgarian University
  • Elena Spasova New Bulgarian University



entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship education, gamification, EntreComp, Game of Business


The aim of this study is to systematize the main advantages and difficulties in the use of game elements in entrepreneurship education. It will examine the expected effects of their application on the quality of education and the level of skills acquired. The first part discusses the need to rethink the way in which entrepreneurship education is conducted in relation to new opportunities provided by technology, but also due to the changing needs and ways of training new generations. The next section analyzes the various possibilities for applying “gaming” practices in training and linking them with a systematic framework for the acquisition of knowledge, skills and competencies. The last part presents the methodology used by the authors to create a gaming platform for entrepreneurship education. The final part summarizes some conclusions and makes recommendations for the use of gamification in education in the field of business, entrepreneurship and economics in secondary and higher education.


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How to Cite

Marinov, E., & Spasova, E. (2023). Gamification in business and entrepreneurship education – theory and applications. Digital Age in Semiotics & Communication, 6, 17–31.