The plan as a way of expression


  • Aleksandar Tomov New Bulgarian University


Different frames, Long shot, Mid-shot, Tight shot, close-up


When we look at a painting, say, a Rembrandt portrait, we do not wonder what is to the left or right of the sitter; we do not wonder what she is looking at; we presume that everything we need to know has been put into the picture – into the frame – by the artist. Performing language of the screen has the same criteria – we presume that everything we need to know is there, and that those things, which are not on the screen are unimportant or irrelevant. This means that if a performer in the film does wonderful things that are not seen, then it is if he had not done them!


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How to Cite

Tomov, A. (2022). The plan as a way of expression. Young Scientific Music and Dance Forum : Conference With International Participation, (15), 251–258. Retrieved from